
芯: ネオピクセル
Color: White

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Lora N.
This is a great saber

I've had the saber for over a month now and so far I am enjoying it very much.
I ended up taking off the white attachments of the saber and put on a cloth wrap around it for more of a ronin look and less imperial. The customizability is great! You can take off 3 optional parts and this allows for a lot more variation than expected.
I purchased the SN-PixelV4.0, not the PROFFIE model so I can only give my opinion on this specific model.
The swing, clash and other sound effects are great, although I found the tip melt effect a little iffy, just because it would occasionally just sheath the saber.
The weldability of the handle is great BUT the location of the kyber crystal location is in a spot where your hand should be for spinning and other flashy things. You'll have to accept the fact that while you wield it neither you nor anyone be able to see the crystal. That being said, it handles well.
I've removed the blade over 10 times and it's holding up pretty well, although I made the mistake of over tightening it and hearing a small crack -- regardless it is sturdy. Dropped it plenty of times, no issues.
The colors are alright, I'd give a 8/10 for color because there are a couple with very little difference. Some have almost a blacklight quality to them, like the purple. You have all the standard colors so you don't have to worry about not getting what you want.
Once you change a setting on one of your blade presets, its that way now. So far as I can tell, I can't retrace the presets back to their originals, just change them forward. That doesn't really matter but I'll just bring it up; cant get back to the stock setting unless you remember them, so make note.
The sound is LOUD. The quiet is loud. I actually used an earplug to plug up the bottom to muffle the sound a little. It's perfect for outside public events or during the day, but don't decide to turn it on with a sleeping baby in the room.
The blade effects are a 7/10 for me... Good, but for the most part I only use about 3 or 4 of the options, same with the ignitions.
Some of the character presets have songs to them, which is pretty cool. The rain and fighting in the distance is a great one.
The price was worth it for me. Great saber, would buy from here again.

Thank you for your detailed feedback on our product. We are pleased that you are satisfied with the appearance and the price-performance ratio.




  • 12 色 (赤、緑、青、紫、オレンジ、黄、ピンク、およびそれらの間の色合い)を簡単に変更できます。
  • リアルなサウンドエフェクト: リアルなセイバーサウンドエフェクト、キャラクターの引用、象徴的な音楽用の 10 個のサウンドフォント、音量調整とミュートモード
  • 交換可能なタフなポリカーボネート製ブレードで激しい決闘にも対応
  • 航空機グレードのアルミニウム合金 6063 ヒルト
  • 高感度モーションセンサー:スムーズなスイング動作音をお楽しみください。とジェスチャー点火体験。
  • 2 つのライトセーバーが戦闘中の場合のフラッシュ オン クラッシュ & ロックアップ ループ効果
  • 充電式/交換可能なバッテリーリチウムイオンバッテリー 2000mAH で、充電せずに一日中コスプレを楽しめます。
  • 12 色 (赤、緑、青、紫、オレンジ、黄、ピンク、およびそれらの間の色合い)を簡単に変更可能超高輝度 50W ネオピクセルバイラルビデオを作成

  • プレミアム Neopixel サウンドボード リアルなサウンドエフェクト: リアルなセイバーサウンドエフェクト、キャラクターの引用、象徴的な音楽用の 27 個のサウンドフォント、音量調整とミュートモード

  • 交換可能なタフなポリカーボネート製ブレードで激しい決闘にも対応

  • 航空機グレードのアルミニウム合金 6063 ヒルト

  • 高感度モーションセンサー:スムーズなスイング動作音をお楽しみください。ジェスチャー点火体験、スイング、突き刺し、チップドラッグ、ツイストによるパワーとサウンドフォントの変更

  • 2 つのライトセーバーが戦闘中の場合のフラッシュ オン クラッシュ & ロックアップ ループ効果

  • 充電式/交換可能なバッテリーリチウムイオンバッテリー 3000mAH で、充電せずに一日中コスプレを楽しめます。

総重量 1~1.5kg
柄の材質 つや消しアルミニウム合金
柄の長さ 27~32cm
刃の材質 取り外し可能なポリカーボネート
刃の長さ 77cm/82cm
刃の厚さ 2mm
外径 1インチ
バッテリー18650 RGB-3.7V 2000mAh、Neopixel-3.7V 3000mAh
充電 USBケーブル
充電電圧 5V(最大)
充電時間 4時間

ネオピクセル ライトセーバー バトル

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